Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Wrapped Up!

This year in a attend to be very organised for Christmas I decided to set up a wrapping station!! A special place to store all my Christmas goodies - tags, paper, sticky tape, ribbons, string, letter stamps etc. It has also made it really easy for the kids to wrap up their presents too.

One Christmas tip: You can never have too many ribbons!!
Happy wrapping.
Elizabeth x

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As you already know i just love my Wednesday's - and today was certainly no exception. Not only did I have my hour session with Lucia in the afternoon , I also ran a bag workshop with Marieka!

Lucia had fun decorating a singlet to match her skirt she made last week. She learnt how to self cover a button and sew it on, sew AROUND corners of the flower she designed and sew on the doily - with lots of pinning first.

and VOILA here you have it !

After a nice hot cuppa, caramal slice, banana chocolate loaf (courtesy of Marieka), chocolate BROWNIES and a little chit chat we thought we had better get started on our project - a SHOULDER BAG!

It was lots of fun choosing the fabrics and then designing the pockets and bag layout. And just in time to pick up the littlies from preschool the bag was all ready and looking FABULOUS.
Thank you Marieka and Lucia for making my Wednesday even more wonderful!
Elizabeth x

Monday, November 15, 2010


Surely it was Wednesday only yesterday!! Well better late then never. Here is the lovely skirt that Lucia made last Wednesday and proudly wore home to show everyone what she had made.

The next day I was able to assist our neighbour who needed some advise in binding her quilt for her Yr9 textiles class.

What a gorgeous quilt. Now she can head home and snuggle up in front of the TV and hand stitch the last part of the binding!
Elizabeth x

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sewing with Lucia!

Wednesdays has to be my most favourite day. It is my day to be in the studio and be creative! It is also the day i have a one on one lesson with Lucia in the afternoon. Lucia first attended a Learn to Sew workshop at the studio during the school holidays. She now comes every Wednesday for an hour of FUN and INTENSIVE sewing. I have been blown away by her enthusiam to sew...and her amazing talent.
Every week there is something new to learn and make. Today she learnt about seam allowances, pinning, selvedge edges, freyed edges and the importance of overlocking (or in her case zig -zag).

Today our project was a 6 panel skirt - so lots of practice doing a 1cm seam allowance and lots of zig zag.

Pinning the seams together with lots of concentration and care.

Of course Jessica sneaks in every now and then. She is sewing up felt puppets for her school class. My how time flies when you are having can't be 5.30pm. This is definately a two week project so be sure to follow on next Wednesday and we will hopefully have the skirt ready to wear home! Job well done Lucia.
Elizabeth x

My first classes!

The school holidays here in Coffs Harbour were so wet and rainy that of course what could be better then running a few sewing classes. All the girls had fun learning more about how to use a sewing machine, making bags, headbands and patchwork pillowcases!! It was also lovely to have the studio filled with happy chatter, whirring sewing machines, busy fingers stitching and the joy of going home with something handmade.....

I am sure we did not even think about the rain once!
Elizabeth x

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vintage Nest Delivery!

Just in time for the holidays i delivered another order to the Vintage Nest in Bellingen. My order this time was made mostly from gorgeous old teatowels and tableclothes.

This is one of my favourites. I just adore pastels and flowers.
I have decided though that when stretching fabric over a canvas it is better to use a canvas frame with thick sides (about 4cm). It is also worth buying a quality frame when using large pieces of fabric as they will keep their tension better.
These two cushions are made from a gorgeous Japanese print fabric.
Well i had better go and savour my last 10 minutes of normality before i pick up the kids for the next two weeks of holidays. Lots of fun things planned...and no lunches to pack..yippee.
Elizabeth X

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Frolic in Fabric at the Fair

It was a most wonderful day at the Village Fair today! After so much rain this week it sure was great to wake up to a gorgeous sunny day and to be apart of a very successful Fair at Bishop Druitt College. My stall was one of the 70 stalls assembled, not to mention amusement rides, pony rides, the wetpac helicopter, woodchopping and much more.

These are my very colourful peg boards, for pegging all those miscellaneous notes and pictures. Most handy indeed.

Lovely linen table runners all rolled up!

Cute as a Doll!

At the end of the day one of these gorgeous bags was raffled and the winner was "Brodi" of Brayside Preschool. Big Congratulations to you Brodi.
Also a big welcome to anyone who dropped by my stall today and is reading my blog for the first time.. Please take the time to make a comment as i would love to hear from you. Well it certainly is time for has been a big day.
Elizabeth x

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Foxy Baby Bag

Good friends of ours are expecting baby number 4 any day now and I was asked to make BIG bag to fit in ALL the baby gear (and soccer gear and.....). So here it is!

I ended up changing the button for a toggle as it worked much better and i think it looks better too.

And of course I had to include a little rattle for bub, which just fitted snug in the inside pocket.

OH! and i still love to bake!!

Mmm.. Must be time for a cuppa and a cupcake or two.....
Elizabeth X

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Royal Party!

After hours of sewing, days of preparing a pinjata and pass the parcel, cakes, lolly bags.... and so on, the day of my littlest's 5th birthday had finally arrived. It was to be a royal party with all the princes and princess of the town invited.

Here come two of the galant princes arriving on horseback of course with gifts of precious jewels and diamonds!

And what little princess does not enjoy to burst as many bubbles as she can get her hands on?

Something funny was being said between these two cousins..but just what i am not sure? Perhaps it was just the simple joy of having a bag full of lollies.....

Well it certainly was a great celebration.

Elizabeth X